Newsletter- May 21 2022

3 min readMay 21, 2022

A quick update for Dominium citizens


In general, we are in the building phase. We have reduced rewards to a sustainable amount (this also included a reduction in Tribute costs, but not Tuition). At current DOM prices, this reduction is around to 30–45% APR, depending on the NFT. This puts most citizens at a 3 year ROI, and was actually always our long term goal for rewards. The market forced our hand, but a volatile market was something we were prepared for. If we can sustain these rewards for 10+ years we will truly provide a product that will change finance forever. Our goal is 30+ years. Keep in mind, Warren Buffet shoots for a 7 year ROI, and he is famous simply for accomplishing this with consistency.

The rollercoaster of the crypto market can have even the most sane person checking into the psychiatrist. Dominium is working to stabilize this market by providing a token that is resilient to volatility. With stability comes the ability to build, this will allow a solid economy to flourish. We have to create a legitimate option outside of the traditional fiat infrastructure, the current market isn’t it. Nothing in the last 10 years has been it.


Our primary focus right now is preparing for our mining NFT drop mid June.
All will have the chance to mint one of 3100 unique, collectible, 3D, NFT Bitcoin miners. This is a great product that will have 100x the marketing than our philosopher citizen NFT drop. Yes you read that right.

With nodes showing their ugly and unsustainable true colors, people are looking for a real way to accumulate crypto passively. Mining is often considered. The barriers to entry are often too great for those who look into it.

Dominium will provide all of the return of a tradition miner, in BTC.
Without any of the traditional hassles.

Beyond mining, Dominium is working on 3 other revenue generating projects that will be up and running before September. All of the projects will benefit the DOM token primarily, and thus our citizens as well. The DOM token will represent all the value that Dominium is building.


We are building revenue and applications for the solid crypto economy we imagine. What is crypto revenue if you have to cash out to spend it? Just a stock. We are building an economy, not a speculative investment.

We appreciate all Dominium citizens’ patience. We affirm our strong conviction that Dominium will surprise many. We in Dominium are placing our bets in reality, reason, building, and a long-term strategy.

Lies, ponzis, moon missions, and rotating will work for a season, but never long term. At the end of it all we just want to be able take care of our families long term and have a little peace of mind. To do that we to create something new. There is no peace of mind in crypto today. It’s time to move away from the ethereal to reality. It’s time to build an economy backed by real assets. There has never been a greater need in crypto and in the world for what we are building. So let us build it. It will change the world.

