Presale In Primis

10 min readJan 10, 2022

BLUF: The time has come. The Dominium DAO presale in Primis ready! This is the first offering and the same price the core team will buy in at. There has never been a project backed like Dominium DAO, we are building passive income for decades ahead. Backed by real property. There has also never been a more fair launch.

We will be holding a whitelist presale and a public presale before launch. This will allow us to:

  1. Reward our earlier supporters.
  2. Determine the most accurate market cap for launch.
  3. Aquire initial liquidity for low launch slippage.

Both presales will only include the sell of NFT nodes, all you will need USDC on Polygon. These NFTs have been designed by a two-time Emmy award recipient: Eli Hooper. Eli Hooper was the lead animator for two seasons of Hitrecord On TV. These NFTs can be staked as nodes for high yield, payed out in DOM and RaaS (revenue as a service). This will cause all investors to be vested at launch. We want long-term investors only.

DOM tokens will not be available until main net launch, presale will only only include the sale of NFT nodes.

The presales will be held on the Polygon network via our website and your wallet. We recommend using Metamask. All you you need is USDC and a little bit of gas.

There will be 2 node NFTs available for whitelist participants at $500 and $20,000 respectively. These WL NFTs will only ever be sold over the first 48 hours. There will be no limit, as presale volume is being used to establish market cap at launch. These NFTs will act as nodes when staked, paying out passive income from our native $DOM token as well as RaaS. The two WL NFTs will be:

  • Alexander the Great. Yields ~$6.2/day of launch price $DOM
  • Marcus Aurelius. Yields ~$270/day of launch price $DOM

WL wallets may mint as many Alexander the Greats and Marcus Aurelius’ as they desire. Launch Price of $DOM will be figured as:

Total Presale Value / 1,000,000 = $DOM Launch price

Initial supply of $DOM will be 1,000,000. The launch price will be presale revenue divided by supply. This will allow the community and actual market to set market price, rather than us. This will create a more stable price at launch, because no one will be sitting on a 100x or even 2x bag (from presale price). We value stable passive income over a quick flip.

We will be holding a public presale of the following nodes/NFTs prior to main APP launch, priced at $100, $1000, and $10,000 respectively:

  • Socrates. Yields ~$1/day of launch price $DOM
  • Plato. Yields ~$11.5/day of launch price $DOM
  • Aristotle Yields ~$120/day of launch price $DOM

Node Tokenomics and Details

Note the starting point for your passive income is given, but due to price fluctuation is not guaranteed. Expect reward reductions as time goes on. We plan for a halving of these rates over the next two years. These rates have been reviewed by multiple economists and investment bankers of the DAO. They are lower than Strongblock’s initial rewards. All of the community has supported lower rates because our goal is long-term passive income. Let us remind you 300% APR is not low (what a time to be alive). We can get away with high APRs initially, but long-term DOM will be SCARCE and BACKED, like no token in history.

We are working on a peer-reviewed paper by a quorum of PhDs to determine our sustainability long-term and the exact rate reduction that will take place. Every fee, rate, and reward is subject to change. Our long-term goal is sustainability. Ours is a community that is happy to iterate and get better. We look forward to positive change. We expect change. No one solution is perfect. The real differentiator between us and competitors is our innovation, resilience, and ability to keep innovating.

Each NFT will grant access to stake at a “school of thought” which will reward a basic income, acting as a node. NFT staking will be available at product launch. The ROI will be provided in $DOM + RaaS (Revenue as a service). NFT holders will be airdropped their RaaS as soon as our treasury purchases generate revenue.

Over the months and years, DOM rewards will be reduced and RaaS airdrops will increase. RaaS will be paid out in the staker’s preference between MATIC, WETH, and USDC. The priority will ALWAYS be sustainability. We will reduce rewards preemptively and periodically. When an investment does well, rewards will increase. These Genesis NFTs will never be sold again and will only be available on the secondary market post presale. We will be selling new editions of nodes periodically.

We are currently in the “innovators” phase of the adoption bell curve. Innovators will be able to get away with ~400% APR, early adopters ~250% APR, and laggards will take part in our long term goal of 30%+ APR two years down the line(once they’ve seen it work for everyone they know first).

You are in the 2.5% of total adoption (early)!

Node Tribute and Sustainability

Now, we want to have buyers that value passive income and being a citizen of Dominium more than they value a quick 3x and dump. We want citizens that are content to take out a basic income from their nodes once a month, and content to let the project build for years and years. We have created a set of rules to help incentivize these good actors, and punish whales/anyone that want to make a quick buck off of our community. Join us if you want to be a part of something big long-term. Long-term team players will understand why these rules are critical.

Compounding will be incentivized through tributes. Compound and you won’t pay tribute. Take profit, but keep longevity in mind. Good actors will take profits, but not all at once. To incentivize this, one monthly claim will always be fee free, however, within a month, all claims beyond the first will pay a progressive fee. The more often a citizen claims rewards within a month, the greater the fee. There will be no fee on the first claim in 30 days, 5% on the second claim in 30 days, 10% on the third claim, and maxing at a 20% fee at the fifth claim.

All NFT stakers will pay a maintenance fee each month to maintain their node, this will be equal to 10% of the node’s monthly revenue. This maintenance fee will pay for, marketing, development, property management, etc. Basically the DAO’s operating account. Wallets that sell at an amount greater than 4% slippage (one sale affects the price ≥ -4%)will have their rewards reduced by 30% for two months. All NFT stakers will pay a fee in $DOM equal to one month of rewards in order to stake. This fee will be fixed at launch price value for all presale participants ($8100 for a Marcus and $186 for Alexander).

How to Buy

Visit our website, open the page to mint NFT. Connect your Metamask wallet and mint your NFT on the Polygon network. All you will need is USDC and MATIC for gas. Set up the Polygon network with one click here. Bridge ETH to Polygon here.

DOM Token Utility and Price

Like Olympus DAO, our main net launch will bring staking, bonding, and the $DOM token. Bonding will amass our treasury, staking will incentivize purchase and bonding. The staking APY will be low. Lower than Olympus DAO, and lower than our nodes.

The main incentive to stake will be the auto compounding effect of (3,3). The APY will still be much higher than anyone thought reasonable prior to Olympus DAO. Compounded interest is powerful! Stakers will not have access to RaaS, RaaS will be reserved for NFT holders. $DOM stakers gain access to high APYs and the first coin ever to be backed by real property. This translates to price stability and appreciation, much like real estate.

Starting market cap and $DOM price? We will let the market decide. The total amount of WL + presale NFTs sold will determine the market cap at launch. This will establish a legitimate starting price to keep our passive income paying. A major problem of recent node/dao forks is this discrepancy of launching at too high (Klima) or too low of a market cap (comet nodes).

For example:

We sell $1 million of NFTS prior to launch. We mint 1,000,000 DOM at $1.

In this scenario, A Marcus Aurelius NFT will receive 2,500 $DOM a day worth $250 USD. The Marcus Aurelius investor is confident knowing that no one bought $DOM for cheaper than .10 cents. He is happy to compound at this price rather than sell. No team or super pre-sale to dump on him. New investors are also happy to invest knowing the launch price is similar to pre-sale and has liquidity for them.

When presale tokens go at $10, and launch starts at $350, new investors will always be dumped on and growth is not incentivized. One day is not late, one month is not late. We are talking about a coin that is the first of its kind. The first to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and IRL wealth. Looking into scarce resources and their price valuation over the last 200 years, it is a very good position to be in. What do you think such a project should be valued at? Higher than $ring?

Wallets that want to build trust will invest big, hold long-term, contribute to the community, and put the community first. These wallets rank up through the society of Dominium from plebe, patrician, equestrian, senator finally to freeman. The higher the rank the more leadership in the community. High ranks will have access to property, and be able to purchase property from the DAO. Imagine ranches, hotels, resorts, and apartments owned by the DAO.

Presale Allocation

  • 20% of funds will be allocated to development, partnerships, and marketing (more below).
  • 50% to initial treasury investment.
  • 30% to locked liquidity.
Presale Allotment

Now, a unique part of our launch is that our team does not hold any tokens. Meaning that no one will be paid in DOM, or have some moon bag to be dumped in the future. We buy when you do. However, the DAO has to pay for its developers, marketing, partnerships, and more. The core team has already spent $30,000+ on development. 20% of presale funds will be allocated to pay people we need to work for all of us. When future spending is necessary (beyond this amount) we will vote as a community for transparency and clarity.

The initial treasury investment will be Centrifuge real world assets that have been tokenized, a crypto investment like Strongblock, or apartments in the Netherlands provided by our housing expert Dennis, the owner of Layerfort. We will prepare reports on each and the community will hold a vote. We are a representative democracy.

Locking liquidity is expensive but necessary to attract volume. Liquidity will only be locked for two years in case the landscape changes and we may prefer that liquidity on another exchange.

General Update

The team has been HARD at work, collaborating with community members from America, Singapore, Australia, and all over the world. Our cry for true liberty has not been unheard. Our community is more than apes, degens, or an “army”. We have come together with a powerful “why”. We will leverage magic internet money to secure our rights to life, liberty, and freedom for ourselves and our children. Our access to healthy foods, healthcare, property, land, and independence are dwindling. It’s time to leverage what we have for what we need, we can’t wait around and watch our buying power dwindle any longer.

Our community has heard this rallying cry, and asked for some improvements. We have heard the community and are implementing the following:

  • New website and new docs. Best in class coming this week.
  • Olympian community multisig
  • Doxxed members on multisig

We have partnered with IndyZa and Yubuki as our multisig partners. They have full ownership of our discord and twitter at the moment to prevent any malicious activity. We are currently in a multi-day review of our presale code. IndyZa will post a review of our code, and ensure its rug proof.

We doxxed our CTO, Logan Hart. This gives our community a peak into the incredible credentials of our team, as well as additional peace of mind.

The presale will be the most fair launch ever. No team allocation, no high slippage stealth launch, we all buy at a set price. Anyone and everyone that chooses to participate will have one week to do so. We will all buy in at the same time, with the same buy-in options. This includes the core team, venture capitalists, and the best of our community.

Why? Because we are sick of rug pulls. Even “unintentional” ones. What do you expect to happen when projects launch at a 100x premium from presale? The community becomes exit liquidity. With a legit product, one hour, one week, one month, or even one year should not be too late.

We will build the only treasury that is built to be valuable for any generation, market, or economy. A treasury backed by what the elite have over us. Land, property, farms, food, water, you name it. It’s a lot to fight for, but when the cookie crumbles… MIM, FRAX, DAI, and even LP won’t be what saves us.

We will have to save ourselves.

