Q2 Road Map.

2 min readApr 8, 2022

A Lot is happening with Dominium. Alpha dropping now.

Backed by real assets

We did it. We launched. We successfully defended our community from bots and swing traders. The DOM token is steady, value hasn’t fluctuated past ~30% in either direction since launch. Anyone that wanted in is in, and no one has been exit liquidity to bots or WL participants.

Our successful launch is evidence of one of our greatest strengths: Dominium is built on a rock solid foundation. Creating a sustainable, long term entity is only possible with a solid foundational base.

We at Dominium are changing the crypto space. We are creating an off-chain/on-chain bridge. We’re embracing this challenge, fully aware this puzzle hasn’t yet been solved. As Dominium progresses, we evolve and adapt when necessary.

In order to gain the interest of more reliable, long term investors, we’ve been developing a strategic shift in our marketing plan. We’ll begin to lean away from hype-happy degens, and lean towards the massive market of retail investors, a group obsessed with the idea of a cryptocurrency backed by real property.

With this shift in mind, we’ll soon be enhancing our website to more directly cater to the legit, long-term investors who value the stable, passive income that Dominium offers.

Below are a few of the BIG upcoming items on the Dominium agenda.

  • New informational website section breaking down the utility of each NFT, their APR, and our upcoming RWA investments.
  • Philosopher NFTs sale will end April 30th. These will NEVER be mint-able again, and will represent the Dominium general basket of assets.
  • New utility NFT for a specific RWA investment dropping early May.
  • Big partnerships and moves to be announced.

To the Citizens of Dominium, thank you for your excellent energy, ideas, and support! We continue to expand! To those who haven’t yet joined, now is the time to hop on and strap in. The best is yet to come.

